
Pine Tree ISD's Communications Office facilitates open communication within the school district and between the district and community. It is our goal to promote community awareness of the district, address issues, encourage participation and increase community involvement. Our office recognizes its responsibility to ensure open communication and understanding of Pine Tree ISD, its endeavors and its accomplishments. We hope the links and information below can help you, but do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or concerns. Go Pirates!
The primary functions of the PTISD Communications Office are: recognition of district student, staff and campus accomplishment; public and media relations; crisis communications; and marketing. The Communications Office offers a variety of communication tools to facilitate both internal and external communication, including the following:
Business Partnerships
Community Relations
Crisis Communication
Digital Communication (e-newsletter)
District Publications
District Website and Social Media
Media Relations
Public Information
Public Relations
Recognition of District Student and Staff Accomplishments
Mass Notification System
Social Media
This department is responsible for directing and managing all district communications functions while ensuring strategies are in alignment with the district's values and core beliefs.
News and photos may be submitted for consideration in district publications and local news media sources. To request a news release or other publicity, contact the public information office. Each campus has a designated webmaster to post information on campus websites. Pine Tree ISD seeks to provide consistent, accurate, and timely information in a coordinated manner to the community and the media.