The audio video department at Pine Tree High School has launched Pirate TV.  The idea of Pirate TV emerged from the district’s commitment to provide a dynamic platform for student expression and engagement. 

 Recognizing the diverse talents within the school community, Pirate TV was created where students could showcase their creativity, share information and connect with the broader Pine Tree High School audience.  The channel serves a hub for various video projects, from informative segments to entertaining challenges, contributing to a vibrant and connected school culture.

 Student involvement is the heart of Pirate TV.  The audio/video production class spearheads the creation of content, allowing students to develop their skills in scripting, filming, and editing.  The program is diverse, ranging from live streams, special features and interviews, to entertaining challenges and music video remakes.  The class encourages the PTHS student body to bring their ideas to the table, ensuring a variety of content that reflects the interests and talents of the PTHS diverse student body.  Pirate TV sponsor is Chris Yoder. 

 Pirate TV is easily accessible on YouTube by searching “Pine Tree High School Pirate Television”.