Pine Tree Independent School District's Pirate Alternative to Continuing Education
The intentional focus of the Pine Tree PACE Campus is to provide a safe and nurturing environment while building holistically “STRONG” students. Student progress in academics and self-discipline are the intended outcomes of this campus as we continue to set the PACE in both the DAEP and ABU Programs.
ABU Adaptive Behavior Unit
The PACE Adaptive Behavior Unit, or ABU, is a highly structured program designed to serve PTISD students with needs that interfere with their educational progress. It serves two primary purposes: 1) to provide an adaptive education setting for a student's academic progression and 2) to strengthen student personal self-discipline and social skills.
The students will be provided the appropriate individual support necessary to access curriculum to promote, maintain and enable progression in academic studies as aligned in their Individual Education Plans. The ABU instructors will be an integral liaison to the student’s home campus to ensure that academic growth is a priority for all.
Campus will be intentional in providing programs and supports to strengthen students in identified areas of need. These programs will be provided by campus and district staff. At times, students are served by partner community programs.
DAEP Disciplinary Alternative Education Program
The PACE Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) Campus serves PTISD students from 3rd to 12th grade. PTISD students are assigned to PACE due to a violation of conduct as determined by the Student Code of Conduct. The students attend the DAEP for an assigned number of days specific to the discipline incident. Students in grades 3 through 6 are assigned to the elementary self-contained program. The secondary program serves students in grades 7th through 12th. Certified instructors in the core disciplines and Special Education provide instruction and services to the students. Support staff and educational aides provide additional support in providing a holistic educational experience.
All students are provided the support to engage with the assigned curriculum lessons to promote progress in their academics. The PACE instructors will be an integral liaison to the student’s home campus to ensure that academic growth is a priority for all.
Student self-discipline is a mandatory requirement for a DAEP based on the Texas Education Code Chapter 37. The Pine Tree PACE Campus will be intentional in providing programs and support in character building to strengthen students in identified areas of need. These programs are campus led by staff as well as in partnership with various community organizations.